4.5 SatoshiChain Configurations

  • The average block time is expected to be 2 seconds.

  • Initially, 21 nodes will be running to comply with BFT (Byzantine Fault Tolerance).

  • Block size will be dynamic and decided by the Validator set. The initial block gas limit is 30,000,000.

  • The expected number of validator nodes in the chain will be 21 at a minimum.

  • Any account staking more than 10,000,000 $SC tokens and passing the community authority and authentication, will be allowed to join the Validator Set.

  • SatoshiChain has pre-deployed contracts for staking. This allows for the staking of $SC tokens, providing rewards to holders.

  • If the block is not produced or accepted within the expected time, the next validator would take over the proposer duty.

  • There is no newly minted block reward for block production.

  • All transaction fees will be valued in either $SAT or $SC.

Last updated