3.2 Digital Signatures

Digital signatures use a combination of public key cryptography and a hashing function to create a unique, encrypted signature for a digital document.

A digital signature is a mathematical technique used to verify the authenticity and integrity of a digital message or document. It is similar to a handwritten signature on a physical document, but it provides a higher level of security and reliability, as it is much harder to forge a digital signature than a handwritten signature.

The signature is generated using the private key of the signer, and can only be verified using the corresponding public key. This ensures that only the person who holds the private key can create a valid signature for a given document, and that the signature cannot be tampered with or forged without being detected.

Digital signatures are used in a variety of applications, including financial transactions, document authentication, and secure communication. They are an important tool for ensuring the security and integrity of digital information, and are widely used in many different fields.

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